Vor einigen Wochen hat mich meine Freundin auf einen grandiosen Instagram-Account namens „hombre_mcsteez“ aufmerksam gemacht. Marty Cooper, so heißt der Künstler hinter dem Account, malt kleine Comicmonster auf Folie und fügt diese, wie eine Art Fotomontage dann in die Realität ein. Daraus entstehen dann entweder Fotos oder kurze Clips.
Da ich mich schon bei den ersten Werke die ich gesehen habe, vor lachen kaum einkriegen konnte, war klar: Ich muss euch den Kerl vorstellen. Dafür fragte ich Marty für ein kurzes Interview an et voilà, hier gibt es nun eine Informationen aus erster Hand (auf englisch … aber das sollte wohl kein Problem sein).
1. When and how did you get the idea to sketch models like these for the first time?
I thought of the Idea when I was drawing cartoons on dry-erase boards, then strarted using a plate of glass instead. Eventually I remembered how the classic animators would use transparent plastic sheets, so I began experimenting with those. You can see the whole process on my instagram from about a year ago.
2. What inspires you to do these kind of little „comics“?
When something I draw makes me laugh. I only want to make stuff if it makes me smile.
3. What is first: The monster you want to sketch, or the spot you want to place a monster on?
Both! Sometimes I go out with a drawing and just try it in different spots, and sometimes I find a spot and make a drawing for it.
4.: What is the process of your work, starting with the idea and ending with the final piece?
I walk around looking at people and things just trying to be observant, when a location inspires me I will sit down and draw in my sketchbook until I draw something that makes me laugh. Then I trace the drawing onto a transparency, and fill it in with whiteout on the reverse side. Then I will shoot between 25-50 photos. I store them in my phone until it is ready to post. I usually only post 1 out of every 3 ideas.
5.: Name 3 things you want to take with you to a lonely island.
Id bring a slinky, a toothbrush and a bouncyball.
Hier geht es zum Tumblr und Instagram Account von Hombre_McSteez
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